Enrollment Info

Get all the details about pricing, schedules and more

The mission of Grand Central Kids Preschool is to serve our community by providing families with an excellent early childhood education that lays a spiritual foundation for a life-long relationship with Christ.

Jana Oder

GCK Director

*Filling out these forms and mailing/bringing in a check or cash, does NOT guarantee a spot.  Please call the preschool office at 918-212-1196 to check availability.

Tuition is due the first school day of each month and will be considered late after the 10th of each month.  A $10 late fee per child will be added on the 11th.

We accept cash, checks, and credit cards (5% convenience fee per month on credit cards).  Checks can be put in the safe down the main hallway OR handed to Miss Katie or Miss Jana. Cash must be handed to Miss Katie, Miss Jana, or Miss Dixie so it can be receipted.  Credit cards MUST be ran in the financial office with Miss Dixie.